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Nature Explored

Photography and Information
by Chris Dunford







Safari in Tarangire February

Map of Northern Tanzania Safari Parks                                                                                                                                                                                                     click on this map for a larger image


This safari video was taken in Tarangire National Park in early February in the dry spell between the short and long rains. We stayed at Mawe Ninga Camp which was very comfortable. The Red flag 'A' on the map shows the position of the Camp.

Game viewing was superb and we saw incredible numbers of elephants, including one family who were particularly nervous and let us know they weren't too happy for us to be around. We were also lucky enough to spot leopards, cheetahs and lions as well as the unusual klipspringer.

The Tarangire river was in great shape and there were numerous other lakes and waterholes as well as the enormous Silale swamp.

There were also many species of birds, far more than we could capture on video.