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Nature Explored

Photography and Information
by Chris Dunford







Moremi Game Reserve Scenery (August)

 Moremi is still very watery thanks to the dry season flood from the Okavango river3149 Moremi is still very watery thanks to the dry season flood from the Okavango river

 There is lots of permanent water in Moremi3150 There is lots of permanent water in Moremi

Receding water levels3151 Receding water levels

The flood plain boundary is clearly delineated by the abrupt cessation of tree growth3152 The flood plain boundary is clearly delineated by the abrupt cessation of tree growth

 Ideal habitat for red lechwe3153 Ideal habitat for red lechwe

 Drying out rapidly3154 Drying out rapidly

 Spot the two fish eagles3155 Spot the two fish eagles

 Just how easily an elephant can hide3156 Just how easily an elephant can hide

 River channels meander through the reserve3157 River channels meander through the reserve

Small lakes like this are a favoutite haunt for hippos3158 Small lakes like this are a favoutite haunt for hippos

The hippos entry point can be seen in the bottom right of this photo3159 The hippos entry point can be seen in the bottom right of this photo

The dried grasses and sedges provide perfect cover for a hunting leopard3160 The dried grasses and sedges provide perfect cover for a hunting leopard

 River channel3161 River channel

Tree growing from old termite mound overlooking floodplain3162 Tree growing from old termite mound overlooking floodplain

 Elephants playing in the Khwai river3163 Elephants playing in the Khwai river

 These elephants are all young bulls3164 These elephants are all young bulls

 Another floodplain3165 Another floodplain

The dry area of Eastern Moremi is known as the Mopane tongue3166 The dry area of Eastern Moremi is known as the Mopane tongue

 Elephant damage in the Mopane tongue3167 Elephant damage in the Mopane tongue

3167 Elephant damage is widespread in the Mopane forests3168 Elephant damage is widespread in the Mopane forests

3169 The grasses are browning in the intense heat as the ploodplain dries out3169 The grasses are browning in the intense heat as the ploodplain dries out

Elephants open up new channels in the marsh areas3170 Elephants open up new channels in the marsh areas

A completely dried out flood plain near Mboma boat station3171 A completely dried out flood plain near Mboma boat station

 Zebras are plentiful in the savannah areas3172 Zebras are plentiful in the savannah areas